Sunday, November 22, 2015

Interesting!! Did you ever know,that your fear is the phobia you have??

5  phobias people have and are unknown about it.....

#Pentheraphobia- Fear of mother-in-law.

Funny isn't it?? Husbands may or may not like their mother-in-law, but are generally less anxious about their involvement in the life of the family.
That’s not to say that a man can’t fear his mother-in-law. Any mother-in-law that has a dominating personality can instill a sense of intimidation in their new son-in-law or daughter-in-law that can ultimately morph into a phobia.

Kolpophobia- Fear of genitals, particularly female

Individuals who have kolpophobia include tremors, avoidance, shortness of breath, increased heart rate, nausea, disgust and anger.

Those with this fear will be overly reluctant to be in close proximity to women. The idea of so many who have the features they fear can cause significant panic attacks and may result in extreme social anxiety.

Gerontophobia- Fear of growing old

Gerontophobia is the fear of old people or growing old. People with this fear tend to worry about growing old because they fear being left alone with no one to take of or comfort them in their old age.

Gerontophobia is also called Gerophobia and related to Gerascophobia or Gerasophobia (which both mean fear of growing old).

Defecaloesiophobia- Fear of painful bowels movements

You might have seen people worrying about their stomach condition 24*7 ,it is called defecaloesiophobia and it can be due to a painful and traumatic experience in the past like having really hard stools that had to be manually extracted by a physician, or having really hard stools that caused your rectum to bleed. This is traumatic for any person and this can trigger the phobia.

The most common phobia every mother has,These folks just keep on cleaning, dusting, wiping and scrubbing and are really not pleased with the work anybody does. They need to do their cleaning on their own, and any cleaning executed by anyone else is generally redone by the person.
They are never content with cleanliness, and are all the time cleaning and wiping away.

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