Tuesday, November 10, 2015

5 success mantra that can transform your life

#Focus on your goal

If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things.– Albert Einstein

Your focus determines your reality. focus is the most important determination of whether you’ll achieve a goal or stick to creating a new habit. Not self-discipline, not rewards, not sheer willpower, not even motivation (also an important ingredient, however). If you can maintain your focus on a goal or habit, you will more often than not achieve that goal or create that habit.

#How You Think is Everything.

Always be positive. Think Success, not Failure. Beware of a negative environment.

This trait has to be one of the most important in the entire list. Your belief that you can accomplish your goals has to be unwavering. The moment you say to yourself “I can’t…”, then you won’t. I was always given the advice “never say I can’t” and I’d like to strike those words from the dictionary.

#Value your time

The loss of time. Because by wasting time, we cannot acquire anything; we cannot have anything; by losing time, we lose everything. We even lose ourselves.

What do people value the least? And what is the most disorganized and the most squandered thing on earth?

Time. A large segment of the people live as if by guesswork, according to the accepted custom, day by day, year by year, not at all concerned about what they did with their days and years or how they lived their lives. Sometimes we mourn over the loss of some existing problems, but we have no regrets at all, nor are we sorry, when we foolishly lose not just some petty cash, but the most precious minutes of our time.

So ,value every single second you have and covert it into a meaningful thing.

#Learn to say NO

Just like saying no has its implications, NOT saying no *has* implications too. Every time we sayyes to something, we’re actually saying no to something else. Think about it:

  • When you say yes to something you don’t enjoy, you say no to things that you love
  • When you say yes to a job you don’t love, you say no to your dreams
  • When you say yes to someone you don’t like, you say no to a fulfilling relationship
  • When you say yes to working overtime, you say no to your social 
  • When you say yes to Quadrant 3/4 tasks, you say no to your Quadrant 2, high value activities

#Embrace the People and Things You Dislike

To handle different kinds of situations in our lives, we need different kinds of identities. If you are fluid about it, if you can change from one to another gracefully, then you can play your role to the hilt and still have no problem with it. But for most people, their personality is like a rock, they are rigid.try to be flexible in life learn to do things that you do not like, be with people that you do not like, and still live your life sensibly, lovingly and joyfully.

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