Friday, November 6, 2015

7 personality secrets that can change your life


Body language is a part of communication that very few actually study yet it makes up most of what we use to communicate and is generally much more accurate a judge of meaning than are the words we use. I’m going to share some reasons why body language is so important and then give you a very short quiz to take to see how well you understand its meaning.

They say actions speak louder than words and sometimes we can communicate things even without the aid of a single word. We can shrug our shoulders and, without a word, we’ve just said, “I don’t know.” We can raise our eyebrows and we’ve just said, “Excuse me? Did I hear you right?” We can turn our hands over palms up in front of us to say, “I don’t know what else to say. That’s all I’ve got.” And we can point to our nose to indicate that the other person’s “got it right!”, so your body language is your representation to the outer world.

Few body language tricks which can almost change your life and present you beautifully.

1. Control your facial expressions

The face as a whole indicates much about human moods. Specific emotional states, such as happiness or sadness, are expressed through a smile or a frown, respectively. Making unusual faces shows your disinterest in the conversation and leaves a very bad impression of yours. While talking to some one in person always try to listen humbly without making much of weird faces specially in offices and work places.

2. Practice good eye contact

People say that the eyes are a "window to the soul" - that they can tell us much about a person just by gazing into them. Given that we cannot, for example, control the size of our pupils, body language experts can deduce much of a person's state by factors relating to the eyes.Why do we avoid looking at a person? It may be because we feel ashamed to be looking at them if we're being dishonest of trying to deceive them. So whenever you are in conversation with a person try to contact in eye so that your perception could be understood by him/her completely.It makes a huge difference.

3. Control your pitch

Your vocal pitch as important as your eye contact. Make your voice sound better by reducing your pitch. This way, you will sound less rude and nervous. Low vocal pitch, though isn’t good for your workplace too. No one will hear and understand you so you won’t have any chance to become a leader. Control your pitch when speaking to sound more authoritative and strong.

4. Walk confidently

This vedio will surely help you how you can indulge proper walk in your life style.

Your walking skills plays an important part in your personality, you may look a dull personality person if it reflects in your walking habits.

5.A firm handshake

A firm handshake reflects your persona and your confidence level .Here is a video which will tell you how your handshake matters in your life .

A firm handshake reflects your persona and your confidence level .Here is a video which will tell you how your handshake matters in your life .

6.Fight the urge to slouch

People who walk with a slouched body posture are more likely to feel depressed, and the same will be reflected in your personality ,so try and sit in a straight posture in public as well as alone which will help you to transform your personality in a positive manner as well as give you health benefits.

7.And most important of all, SMILE.

the most important gesture of body language is smile ,your smile can change the perception of the person in front of you. So, a firm smile can change your life in many ways .

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