Thursday, November 26, 2015

5 reasons to run your own business than 9-5 job

Explore your own world

#You can work for your passion

“Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.”

When something you love becomes work, it fundamentally -- and unavoidably -- changes the way in which you interact with it,” When one starts his own business the work the enviornment belongs to him,he can mould it the way he wants and work for his passion without any pressure. 

#You are your own boss

When you become your own boss, you’ll find that the distinction between work time and personal time blurs. Your time ,your work,your thought process,your decisions what else one wants. When you run your own business no one is there to over power your ideas and kill your thought process by dominating you. You can let the bird of ideas and innovation inside you fly high.

#Choose your own team

When you work for someone else, you rarely get to choose whom you work with. If you don't like your co-workers you'd better start sending resumes.

But in your own business the ball is in your court, surround yourself with positive people who give you the confidence and optimism you need to keep moving forward. Weed out the people that put out negative vibes. The smaller your organization, the larger choice you have about who you work with."

#You Take on the Risk – And Reap the Rewards

The better you are at managing risk, the more rewards you can reap. You learn to recognize good opportunities from bad ones. You learn how to look like you are committed to new products, without actually financially committing to it until you have feedback and orders from your customer. No, doubt risk has to be taken but the rewards in return are wholly owned by you.

#Open doors to growth

Indeed start ups can give more experience than any M&C as you get to explore different fields. You can execute any of your wild ideas and see if it actually works in the real world, which you will never experience in any big company and hence delivering job satisfaction along with professional growth.

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Interesting!! Did you ever know,that your fear is the phobia you have??

5  phobias people have and are unknown about it.....

#Pentheraphobia- Fear of mother-in-law.

Funny isn't it?? Husbands may or may not like their mother-in-law, but are generally less anxious about their involvement in the life of the family.
That’s not to say that a man can’t fear his mother-in-law. Any mother-in-law that has a dominating personality can instill a sense of intimidation in their new son-in-law or daughter-in-law that can ultimately morph into a phobia.

Kolpophobia- Fear of genitals, particularly female

Individuals who have kolpophobia include tremors, avoidance, shortness of breath, increased heart rate, nausea, disgust and anger.

Those with this fear will be overly reluctant to be in close proximity to women. The idea of so many who have the features they fear can cause significant panic attacks and may result in extreme social anxiety.

Gerontophobia- Fear of growing old

Gerontophobia is the fear of old people or growing old. People with this fear tend to worry about growing old because they fear being left alone with no one to take of or comfort them in their old age.

Gerontophobia is also called Gerophobia and related to Gerascophobia or Gerasophobia (which both mean fear of growing old).

Defecaloesiophobia- Fear of painful bowels movements

You might have seen people worrying about their stomach condition 24*7 ,it is called defecaloesiophobia and it can be due to a painful and traumatic experience in the past like having really hard stools that had to be manually extracted by a physician, or having really hard stools that caused your rectum to bleed. This is traumatic for any person and this can trigger the phobia.

The most common phobia every mother has,These folks just keep on cleaning, dusting, wiping and scrubbing and are really not pleased with the work anybody does. They need to do their cleaning on their own, and any cleaning executed by anyone else is generally redone by the person.
They are never content with cleanliness, and are all the time cleaning and wiping away.

Saturday, November 21, 2015

No one could ever believe that these 5 famous personalities are dropouts from school.

No one could ever believe that these 5 famous personalities are dropouts from school.

#Mark Zuckerberg

Zuckerberg and his friends created a site that allowed users to create their own profiles, upload photos, and communicate with other users. The group ran the site—first called The Facebook—out of a dorm room at Harvard until June 2004. After his sophomore year, Zuckerberg dropped out of college to devote himself to Facebook full time, moving the company to Palo Alto, California. By the end of 2004, Facebook had 1 million users.

#Bill Gates

"Although I dropped out of college and got lucky pursuing a career in software, getting a degree is a much surer path to success," he said.

"Getting lucky" is an understatement for Gates, who dropped out of Harvard in 1975, founded Microsoft, and is now the world's richest person, and one of the richest Americans in history

#Walt Disney

When Disney was 16, he dropped out of school to join the army but was rejected for being underage. Instead, he joined the Red Cross and was sent to France for a year to drive an ambulance.As an animator and entrepreneur, Disney was particularly noted as a filmmaker and a popular showman, as well as an innovator in animation and theme park design. He and his staff created numerous famous fictional characters including Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, and Goofy. Disney himself was the original voice for Mickey.

#Steeve Jobs

He dropped out of Oregon's Reed College after one semester, although he returned to audit a class in calligraphy. He quit one of his first jobs, designing video games for Atari.

He later became American technology entrepreneur, visionary and inventor. He was the co-founder, chairman, and chief executive officer (CEO) of Apple Inc.; CEO and largest shareholder ofPixar Animation Studios.

#Mukesh Ambani

 He is an Indian business magnate who is the chairman, managing director and largest shareholder of Reliance Industries Limited (RIL).Once In 1979 Mukesh Ambani enrolled in the MBA program of Stanford University But after one year this great business man Decide to drop out and focus on the Business of Reliance industry.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

5 most devastating terrorist attacks which destroyed mankind

5 most devastating terrorist  attacks which destroyed mankind...

#iraq attacks july 2013

A number of coordinated bombings struck the capital Baghdad, where a large part of the day's casualties were recorded.Twin blasts in the Shabb neighborhood killed 9 and wounded 24, while a similar pair of attacks killed 12 and injured 38 at a market in Shula, killing a total of 11 people and injuring 43 others. Unidentified gunmen shot three people dead at a pet food store in Zaafaraniya, . A barber and a physician were also reported killed in separate attacks. In nearby Abu Ghraib, a car bombing at a market killed 3 and wounded 14, while a sticky bomb killed a Sahwa member and left two others wounded.

#9/11~September 11th 2001-Attack on the World || Trade Center


Four passenger airliners—which all departed from airports on the U.S. East Coast bound for California—were hijacked by 19 al-Qaeda terrorists to be flown into buildings. Two of the planes, American Airlines Flight 11 and United Airlines Flight 175, were crashed into the North and South towers, respectively, of the World Trade Center complex in New York City. Within an hour and 42 minutes, both 110-story towers collapsed, with debris and the resulting fires causing partial or complete collapse of all other buildings in the World Trade Center complex, including the 47-story 7 World Trade Center tower, as well as significant damage to ten other large surrounding structures.

#2008 mumbai attacks

In November 2008, 10 Pakistani members of Lashkar-e-Taiba, an Islamic militant organisation, carried out a series of 12 coordinated shooting and bombing attacks lasting four days across Mumbai.The attacks, which drew widespread global condemnation, began on Wednesday, 26 November and lasted until Saturday, 29 November 2008, killing 164 people and wounding at least 308.

#The massacre of Sri Lankan Police officers

The 1990 massacre of Sri Lankan Police officers was a mass murder of Sri Lankan Police officers that took place on June 11, 1990. Members of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam, a separatist organization, are alleged to have killed over 600 unarmed Sri Lanka Police officers in Eastern Province, Sri Lanka. Some accounts have estimated the number killed as high as 774.

#Paris attack 2015

On the evening of 13 November 2015, a series of coordinated terrorist attacks—consisting of mass shootings, suicide bombings, and hostage-taking—occurred in Paris, the capital of France, and its northern suburb, Saint-Denis. Beginning at 21:20 CET, there were three suicide bombings outside the Stade de France, along with mass shootings and another suicide bombing at four locations near central Paris.The deadliest attack was at the Bataclan theatre, where the attackers took hostages before engaging in a stand-off with police until 00:58 on 14 November. The attacks killed 129 people, 89 of whom were at the Bataclan theatre.352 people were admitted to hospital with injuries sustained in the attacks, including 80 described as being critically injured.

Monday, November 16, 2015

5 body language signs that you should never use in an interview

#Crossing your arms

Crossed arms give a ‘closed’ impression. As a result, crossed arms are often interpreted as a symbol of uncertainty, unreliability or lack of interest. Try to avoid this by not crossing your arms.


Looking down is a sign that you are disinterested or feel inferior. Make sure you maintain eye contact without staring. This will let the other person subliminally know that you are interested in what they have to say.

#Nail biting 

Biting your nails is a strange way to react to anxiety and stress, but it is perhaps one of the most common ways that both children and adults seem to act when they feel tension.So ,try and control your hands from going in the mouth always.


There is nothing that screams boredom more than the continuous checking of the time. Do not look at your watch when speaking with someone. You want to convey continued interest in what they are saying,never look at your watch while talking then.

#Shaking your legs

Think about sitting, shaking your legs during a job interview. What would the interviewer think about you? It could be potentially conceived as a mark of disrespect and / or a sign of confusion and anxiety .Sit in a comfortable position without crossing your legs or shaking them.

Saturday, November 14, 2015

5 things you should never say about yourself.

5 things you should never say about yourself.

# I am not beautiful 

It seems like people think being beautiful is the be-all end-all of being worthwhile. It is not. There's tons of good qualities and all are subjective and no one has them all. If you don't think you're pretty, you might think you're funny or intelligent or generous or kind. 
So , never say you are not beautiful ,you may be beautiful in other ways from you soul.

# I have a bad luck

Most people always cry of their bad luck in life.But here’s something most people don’t understand, there are no bad lucks. You are responsible for everything that happens in your life. That is because you participate in everything that happens in your life. You make all decisions in your life that leads you to those bad lucks

#I can't do this

Never say that you can't do something, or that something seems impossible, or that something can't be done, no matter how discouraging or harrowing it may be; human beings are limited only by what we allow ourselves to be limited by: our own minds. We are each the masters of our own reality; when we become self-aware to this: absolutely anything in the world is possible.

#I have to be perfect

Everybody makes mistakes... Everybody has those days...Everybody makes mistakes. There is not a single person in this universe who is perfect , so why to trouble yourself and say you are not perfect .Just be real and enjoy life at its full.

#Life is so unfair.

We all come up against hardships and pain at different points in our lives; however, these are often aspects of our lives that are beyond anybody’s control. So let it go and learn to accept that whilst life can have its difficult moments – it’s the good moments you ought to focus on.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Amazing!! 5 most talented Indian kids

#Shorya Mahanot -AN ARTIST 

"He also makes paintings like me", this was the reply of the seven year young boy when he was asked about the famous painter Jackson Pollock, who incidentally happens to be this young painter's role model.Here is a glimpse of Shorya Mahanot abstract painting in the vedio.

#Truptraj Pandya-the tabla player

 This 6 year old young child has been awarded by Guinness Book of World Records for being the youngest ever.He was just 18 months old when he first started playing tabla.

 #Priyanshi Somani - The Human Calculator

Somani is the only participant to have achieved 100% accuracy in addition, multiplication, square root in all five Mental Calculation World Cups. She is a winner of Mental Calculation World Cup in 2010.

#Kautilya Pandit - 'Google Boy'

Six year old Kautilya Pandit from Haryana is exceptionally good with general knowledge and current affairs. Without any help, Pandit can recollect the general details and statistics of 213 countries off the top of his head.

#Anshuman Nandi - the drum master

Four year old Anshuman Nandi  picked up drumming while observing his dad teach it to some of his students. Nandi has already made a mark in the national arena by showcasing his skill in India's Got Talent and Sa Re Ga Ma Pa

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

5 success mantra that can transform your life

#Focus on your goal

If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things.– Albert Einstein

Your focus determines your reality. focus is the most important determination of whether you’ll achieve a goal or stick to creating a new habit. Not self-discipline, not rewards, not sheer willpower, not even motivation (also an important ingredient, however). If you can maintain your focus on a goal or habit, you will more often than not achieve that goal or create that habit.

#How You Think is Everything.

Always be positive. Think Success, not Failure. Beware of a negative environment.

This trait has to be one of the most important in the entire list. Your belief that you can accomplish your goals has to be unwavering. The moment you say to yourself “I can’t…”, then you won’t. I was always given the advice “never say I can’t” and I’d like to strike those words from the dictionary.

#Value your time

The loss of time. Because by wasting time, we cannot acquire anything; we cannot have anything; by losing time, we lose everything. We even lose ourselves.

What do people value the least? And what is the most disorganized and the most squandered thing on earth?

Time. A large segment of the people live as if by guesswork, according to the accepted custom, day by day, year by year, not at all concerned about what they did with their days and years or how they lived their lives. Sometimes we mourn over the loss of some existing problems, but we have no regrets at all, nor are we sorry, when we foolishly lose not just some petty cash, but the most precious minutes of our time.

So ,value every single second you have and covert it into a meaningful thing.

#Learn to say NO

Just like saying no has its implications, NOT saying no *has* implications too. Every time we sayyes to something, we’re actually saying no to something else. Think about it:

  • When you say yes to something you don’t enjoy, you say no to things that you love
  • When you say yes to a job you don’t love, you say no to your dreams
  • When you say yes to someone you don’t like, you say no to a fulfilling relationship
  • When you say yes to working overtime, you say no to your social 
  • When you say yes to Quadrant 3/4 tasks, you say no to your Quadrant 2, high value activities

#Embrace the People and Things You Dislike

To handle different kinds of situations in our lives, we need different kinds of identities. If you are fluid about it, if you can change from one to another gracefully, then you can play your role to the hilt and still have no problem with it. But for most people, their personality is like a rock, they are rigid.try to be flexible in life learn to do things that you do not like, be with people that you do not like, and still live your life sensibly, lovingly and joyfully.

Saturday, November 7, 2015

WAAO!! 5 youngest inspiring entrepreneurs of INDIA

# Farrhad Acidwalla

His first step at entrepreneurship started with his borrowing $10 from his parents to buy his first domain name. He began building a web community devoted to aviation and aero-modeling. The website was a success; he sold it for a lot more money than his initial investment, and moved on with other similar ventures. Each took his achievement to another level and the appreciations left him humble. This motivated him to offer his work under the name of his company.
Farrhad has launched Rockstah Media, a cutting-edge company devoted to web development, marketing, advertisement, and branding. It is just over a year old but it has clients and a full fledged team of developers, designers and market strategists spread across the globe.
As the CEO and founder, Farrhad is behind the wheels of the company taking care of the clients and guiding the creative team to success.

#Vinod Kuthal

Vinod Khutal grew up near Indore and studied architecture, before studying computer science. An ad by game developer Gameloft on led him to a job in their Hyderabad office, where he eventually became a game designer. In 2009, he founded Twist Mobile, with apps such as Age Effect. He tied up with VServ to use their appwrapper technology for ads embedded in apps. Success stories included becoming the first Asian company with 10 million downloads on Noki’s Ovi store. “Today’s killer app is tomorrow’s delete,” says Khutal, who has now branched out into Android and iPhone 

# Sameer Gehlaut,

one of the young entrepreneurs in India, . He worked in US based oil services company Halliburton. After quitting his job at Halliburton he returned to India to start a mining business. But instead bought a small securities firm and started online brokerage (India’s first online brokerage company in 2000) with two college friends. His Indiabulls Group was backed by steel tycoon Lakshmi Mittal from the start. He has been the chairman of Indiabulls Group since inception and is the chairman of major Indiabulls companies: Indiabulls Power, Indiabulls Housing Finance & Indiabulls Real Estate. Under his leadership the group has diversified into core economy sectors of Financial Services, Real Estate and Power with combined net worth of US$3.17 billion.

#Vikas Oberoi,

has completed the Owner’s/ President’s Management Program from the Harvard Business School. Vikas Oberoi serves as the Chairman, Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director of Oberoi Realty Limited and has more than twenty years of experience in the real estate sector. Oberoi Construction was started in 1985 by his father from the profits of family’s saffron-trading business. Since taking over in 1997 Oberoi has built on inheritance with several upmarket residential and commercial projects. He has 75% stake in Mumbai developer Oberoi Realty, which he took public last year. It has built 34 projects covering 5 million square feet in suburban Mumbai. Showpiece is Oberoi Garden City, an 80-acre complex. The turning point for Oberoi Construction was the 2002 acquisition of the 60-acre Novartis property in Goregaon for Rs 100 crore. It is this property that is today being developed into the group’s flagship township in the western suburb of Goregaon with luxury residences, malls and a hotel.

#Syed Balkhi

He used to get online at three o’clock in the morning to trade stones for a game called Neopets.
When he was 12, his cousin pointed out that he could do the same thing with domain names – all while pulling in a handsome profit. Soon he was developing websites, designing them, and running a paid domain name directory.
Along with a handful of college friends (Amanda Roberts, David Pegg, and Mohammed Karim), Syed has started a successful web service company called Uzzz Productions. His blog for WordPress beginners, WPBeginner, has been up since July 2009 and already attracts an incredible 145,000 unique visitors each month.

# King Sidharth

King Sidharth is a multitalented youngster. He is a speaker, author, magazine publisher.
As an 11-year-old growing up in Northern India, King Sidharth and a few friends began organizing events and competitions for other children. They would make tickets and charge an entry fee, then award little prizes to whoever won. Sidharth’s first business was a big success.
Seven years later, King Sidharth got graduated from high school and he has already made a name for himself as one of India’s top young entrepreneurs. His primary work is in website development and design (see websites like
King is also a speaker on topics of entrepreneurship and spirituality. He calls himself the Outlaw Entrepreneur, because he refuses to follow a given pattern and says he’s going to reinvent the wheel. His vision of the wheel is unique.

Friday, November 6, 2015

7 personality secrets that can change your life


Body language is a part of communication that very few actually study yet it makes up most of what we use to communicate and is generally much more accurate a judge of meaning than are the words we use. I’m going to share some reasons why body language is so important and then give you a very short quiz to take to see how well you understand its meaning.

They say actions speak louder than words and sometimes we can communicate things even without the aid of a single word. We can shrug our shoulders and, without a word, we’ve just said, “I don’t know.” We can raise our eyebrows and we’ve just said, “Excuse me? Did I hear you right?” We can turn our hands over palms up in front of us to say, “I don’t know what else to say. That’s all I’ve got.” And we can point to our nose to indicate that the other person’s “got it right!”, so your body language is your representation to the outer world.

Few body language tricks which can almost change your life and present you beautifully.

1. Control your facial expressions

The face as a whole indicates much about human moods. Specific emotional states, such as happiness or sadness, are expressed through a smile or a frown, respectively. Making unusual faces shows your disinterest in the conversation and leaves a very bad impression of yours. While talking to some one in person always try to listen humbly without making much of weird faces specially in offices and work places.

2. Practice good eye contact

People say that the eyes are a "window to the soul" - that they can tell us much about a person just by gazing into them. Given that we cannot, for example, control the size of our pupils, body language experts can deduce much of a person's state by factors relating to the eyes.Why do we avoid looking at a person? It may be because we feel ashamed to be looking at them if we're being dishonest of trying to deceive them. So whenever you are in conversation with a person try to contact in eye so that your perception could be understood by him/her completely.It makes a huge difference.

3. Control your pitch

Your vocal pitch as important as your eye contact. Make your voice sound better by reducing your pitch. This way, you will sound less rude and nervous. Low vocal pitch, though isn’t good for your workplace too. No one will hear and understand you so you won’t have any chance to become a leader. Control your pitch when speaking to sound more authoritative and strong.

4. Walk confidently

This vedio will surely help you how you can indulge proper walk in your life style.

Your walking skills plays an important part in your personality, you may look a dull personality person if it reflects in your walking habits.

5.A firm handshake

A firm handshake reflects your persona and your confidence level .Here is a video which will tell you how your handshake matters in your life .

A firm handshake reflects your persona and your confidence level .Here is a video which will tell you how your handshake matters in your life .

6.Fight the urge to slouch

People who walk with a slouched body posture are more likely to feel depressed, and the same will be reflected in your personality ,so try and sit in a straight posture in public as well as alone which will help you to transform your personality in a positive manner as well as give you health benefits.

7.And most important of all, SMILE.

the most important gesture of body language is smile ,your smile can change the perception of the person in front of you. So, a firm smile can change your life in many ways .

Thursday, November 5, 2015

5 INDIAN LADIES who made their disability their strength

1. Sudha Chandran
The lady faced worst times of her life when doctors missed a small wound in her leg and plastered it, later on there was no other option for her than to remove her leg from her body. But the strong girl did not gave up and went for getting a prosthetic “Jaipur Foot” and became one of the most popular and acclaimed classical dancers of the country.She has received numerous awards and represented bharatnatayam internationally.A true inspiration for all ..

2. Arunima SinhaArunima Sinha lost her let leg in an unfortunate incident in 2011,but the girl did not gave up and made her weakness her greatest strength.She achieved the rare feat to become the first Indian amputee to conquer the Mount Everest, with the help of a prosthetic leg.

A daring girl compelled every indian to salute her.

3. Malathi Krishnamurthy Holla
This lady from Banglore was once completely paralysed ,she was not able to speak,walk,laugh. She was under medication for 15 years,went through 32 surgeries and suffered through all the situation which could break her completely but what she did was commendable. She fought back the situation she started participating in various games at college, and today she has taken part in various international events including the Para-Olympics. She won Gold in 200m, shot put, discus and javelin throw at the 1989 World Masters’ Games in Denmark. She has over 300 medals in her kitty, and is also the proud recipient of the Arjuna Award and Padma Shri. She runs the Mathru Foundation to help disabled children from rural India.

4. Preethi Srinivasan
Preethi has always given her best to whatever she did. Before her accident, she was exceptional in her academics, a national level swimmer and the youngest member of the Tamil Nadu State Women's Cricket Team. She also captained the U-19 TN Cricket team to its only victory in 1997. With such credentials, it is not hard to believe that Preethi was meant to make it big in life. However, fate had different plans for her and one day her life changed forever.Preethi was 18 when in an accident there the doctor found it to be a severe case of paralysis, caused by a cervical level spinal cord injury.But she smiled back at this worst situation and started a lot of work on the computer . Preethi is also actively involved in running her trust, Soulfree. As an inspirational speaker, she travels to schools, colleges and corporate houses providing a wake-up call to all who lead frenetically-paced and mechanical lifestyles focused primarily on materialistic goals.

5. Sadhna Dhand

Suffering from brittle bone disease, 57-year-old Dhand lost her hearing at the age of 12 and stands 3.3 feet tall. But, this disability was not strong enough to stop her from pursuing her passion for painting, for which she has even won a national award. Apart from this, she has received many awards at the state and national level for painting and photography. She is now imparting this art to other students and conducts classes at her house. Not only this, she is an active social worker and donates to various organizations working with children with mental and physical disability.