Tuesday, December 1, 2015

5 tips that can make your business fly high


#Offer Customer's their choice not yours

Customers are not generic and therefore it is critical that companies recognise this and respond flexibly to different customer types and behaviour. The art of good business is in achieving a high level of effectiveness (doing the right things) with efficiency - thereby delivering the right service for the customer, while remaining cost effective.

#Cost effectiveness

ANY business leader will tell you that when it comes to running a business the most important figure to bear in mind is the bottom line.
Companies can only be as good as their profit margin; the difference between revenue and profit is the best indication of how a business is faring and whether it is being run efficiently.

#When planning, always overestimate expenses and underestimate revenues.

It’s necessary to overestimate monthly expenses in order to account for the possibility of variable unexpected expenses,Underestimating your income will protect you from over-reliance on income “extras” , and ensure that you have sufficient funds on hand to meet your monthly expense obligations. 

#Regular Cash flow 

The importance of strong cash flow is aptly stated in the common expression "cash is king." The premise of this is that having cash puts you in a more stable position with better buying power.Cash flow is the lifeblood of business, and is absolutely essential to feed bottom-line profits. So you need to find ways to jump start cash flow immediately.

#The more you learn the more you earn

If you've never run a million dollar business, you don't know how to run it,all you need is to be committed to learning as much as you can about sales and marketing and operations if you want to have a truly success business.
Once you do that, however, the sky is the limit. 

Thursday, November 26, 2015

5 reasons to run your own business than 9-5 job

Explore your own world

#You can work for your passion

“Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.”

When something you love becomes work, it fundamentally -- and unavoidably -- changes the way in which you interact with it,” When one starts his own business the work the enviornment belongs to him,he can mould it the way he wants and work for his passion without any pressure. 

#You are your own boss

When you become your own boss, you’ll find that the distinction between work time and personal time blurs. Your time ,your work,your thought process,your decisions what else one wants. When you run your own business no one is there to over power your ideas and kill your thought process by dominating you. You can let the bird of ideas and innovation inside you fly high.

#Choose your own team

When you work for someone else, you rarely get to choose whom you work with. If you don't like your co-workers you'd better start sending resumes.

But in your own business the ball is in your court, surround yourself with positive people who give you the confidence and optimism you need to keep moving forward. Weed out the people that put out negative vibes. The smaller your organization, the larger choice you have about who you work with."

#You Take on the Risk – And Reap the Rewards

The better you are at managing risk, the more rewards you can reap. You learn to recognize good opportunities from bad ones. You learn how to look like you are committed to new products, without actually financially committing to it until you have feedback and orders from your customer. No, doubt risk has to be taken but the rewards in return are wholly owned by you.

#Open doors to growth

Indeed start ups can give more experience than any M&C as you get to explore different fields. You can execute any of your wild ideas and see if it actually works in the real world, which you will never experience in any big company and hence delivering job satisfaction along with professional growth.

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Interesting!! Did you ever know,that your fear is the phobia you have??

5  phobias people have and are unknown about it.....

#Pentheraphobia- Fear of mother-in-law.

Funny isn't it?? Husbands may or may not like their mother-in-law, but are generally less anxious about their involvement in the life of the family.
That’s not to say that a man can’t fear his mother-in-law. Any mother-in-law that has a dominating personality can instill a sense of intimidation in their new son-in-law or daughter-in-law that can ultimately morph into a phobia.

Kolpophobia- Fear of genitals, particularly female

Individuals who have kolpophobia include tremors, avoidance, shortness of breath, increased heart rate, nausea, disgust and anger.

Those with this fear will be overly reluctant to be in close proximity to women. The idea of so many who have the features they fear can cause significant panic attacks and may result in extreme social anxiety.

Gerontophobia- Fear of growing old

Gerontophobia is the fear of old people or growing old. People with this fear tend to worry about growing old because they fear being left alone with no one to take of or comfort them in their old age.

Gerontophobia is also called Gerophobia and related to Gerascophobia or Gerasophobia (which both mean fear of growing old).

Defecaloesiophobia- Fear of painful bowels movements

You might have seen people worrying about their stomach condition 24*7 ,it is called defecaloesiophobia and it can be due to a painful and traumatic experience in the past like having really hard stools that had to be manually extracted by a physician, or having really hard stools that caused your rectum to bleed. This is traumatic for any person and this can trigger the phobia.

The most common phobia every mother has,These folks just keep on cleaning, dusting, wiping and scrubbing and are really not pleased with the work anybody does. They need to do their cleaning on their own, and any cleaning executed by anyone else is generally redone by the person.
They are never content with cleanliness, and are all the time cleaning and wiping away.

Saturday, November 21, 2015

No one could ever believe that these 5 famous personalities are dropouts from school.

No one could ever believe that these 5 famous personalities are dropouts from school.

#Mark Zuckerberg

Zuckerberg and his friends created a site that allowed users to create their own profiles, upload photos, and communicate with other users. The group ran the site—first called The Facebook—out of a dorm room at Harvard until June 2004. After his sophomore year, Zuckerberg dropped out of college to devote himself to Facebook full time, moving the company to Palo Alto, California. By the end of 2004, Facebook had 1 million users.

#Bill Gates

"Although I dropped out of college and got lucky pursuing a career in software, getting a degree is a much surer path to success," he said.

"Getting lucky" is an understatement for Gates, who dropped out of Harvard in 1975, founded Microsoft, and is now the world's richest person, and one of the richest Americans in history

#Walt Disney

When Disney was 16, he dropped out of school to join the army but was rejected for being underage. Instead, he joined the Red Cross and was sent to France for a year to drive an ambulance.As an animator and entrepreneur, Disney was particularly noted as a filmmaker and a popular showman, as well as an innovator in animation and theme park design. He and his staff created numerous famous fictional characters including Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, and Goofy. Disney himself was the original voice for Mickey.

#Steeve Jobs

He dropped out of Oregon's Reed College after one semester, although he returned to audit a class in calligraphy. He quit one of his first jobs, designing video games for Atari.

He later became American technology entrepreneur, visionary and inventor. He was the co-founder, chairman, and chief executive officer (CEO) of Apple Inc.; CEO and largest shareholder ofPixar Animation Studios.

#Mukesh Ambani

 He is an Indian business magnate who is the chairman, managing director and largest shareholder of Reliance Industries Limited (RIL).Once In 1979 Mukesh Ambani enrolled in the MBA program of Stanford University But after one year this great business man Decide to drop out and focus on the Business of Reliance industry.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

5 most devastating terrorist attacks which destroyed mankind

5 most devastating terrorist  attacks which destroyed mankind...

#iraq attacks july 2013

A number of coordinated bombings struck the capital Baghdad, where a large part of the day's casualties were recorded.Twin blasts in the Shabb neighborhood killed 9 and wounded 24, while a similar pair of attacks killed 12 and injured 38 at a market in Shula, killing a total of 11 people and injuring 43 others. Unidentified gunmen shot three people dead at a pet food store in Zaafaraniya, . A barber and a physician were also reported killed in separate attacks. In nearby Abu Ghraib, a car bombing at a market killed 3 and wounded 14, while a sticky bomb killed a Sahwa member and left two others wounded.

#9/11~September 11th 2001-Attack on the World || Trade Center


Four passenger airliners—which all departed from airports on the U.S. East Coast bound for California—were hijacked by 19 al-Qaeda terrorists to be flown into buildings. Two of the planes, American Airlines Flight 11 and United Airlines Flight 175, were crashed into the North and South towers, respectively, of the World Trade Center complex in New York City. Within an hour and 42 minutes, both 110-story towers collapsed, with debris and the resulting fires causing partial or complete collapse of all other buildings in the World Trade Center complex, including the 47-story 7 World Trade Center tower, as well as significant damage to ten other large surrounding structures.

#2008 mumbai attacks

In November 2008, 10 Pakistani members of Lashkar-e-Taiba, an Islamic militant organisation, carried out a series of 12 coordinated shooting and bombing attacks lasting four days across Mumbai.The attacks, which drew widespread global condemnation, began on Wednesday, 26 November and lasted until Saturday, 29 November 2008, killing 164 people and wounding at least 308.

#The massacre of Sri Lankan Police officers

The 1990 massacre of Sri Lankan Police officers was a mass murder of Sri Lankan Police officers that took place on June 11, 1990. Members of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam, a separatist organization, are alleged to have killed over 600 unarmed Sri Lanka Police officers in Eastern Province, Sri Lanka. Some accounts have estimated the number killed as high as 774.

#Paris attack 2015

On the evening of 13 November 2015, a series of coordinated terrorist attacks—consisting of mass shootings, suicide bombings, and hostage-taking—occurred in Paris, the capital of France, and its northern suburb, Saint-Denis. Beginning at 21:20 CET, there were three suicide bombings outside the Stade de France, along with mass shootings and another suicide bombing at four locations near central Paris.The deadliest attack was at the Bataclan theatre, where the attackers took hostages before engaging in a stand-off with police until 00:58 on 14 November. The attacks killed 129 people, 89 of whom were at the Bataclan theatre.352 people were admitted to hospital with injuries sustained in the attacks, including 80 described as being critically injured.