Tuesday, December 1, 2015

5 tips that can make your business fly high


#Offer Customer's their choice not yours

Customers are not generic and therefore it is critical that companies recognise this and respond flexibly to different customer types and behaviour. The art of good business is in achieving a high level of effectiveness (doing the right things) with efficiency - thereby delivering the right service for the customer, while remaining cost effective.

#Cost effectiveness

ANY business leader will tell you that when it comes to running a business the most important figure to bear in mind is the bottom line.
Companies can only be as good as their profit margin; the difference between revenue and profit is the best indication of how a business is faring and whether it is being run efficiently.

#When planning, always overestimate expenses and underestimate revenues.

It’s necessary to overestimate monthly expenses in order to account for the possibility of variable unexpected expenses,Underestimating your income will protect you from over-reliance on income “extras” , and ensure that you have sufficient funds on hand to meet your monthly expense obligations. 

#Regular Cash flow 

The importance of strong cash flow is aptly stated in the common expression "cash is king." The premise of this is that having cash puts you in a more stable position with better buying power.Cash flow is the lifeblood of business, and is absolutely essential to feed bottom-line profits. So you need to find ways to jump start cash flow immediately.

#The more you learn the more you earn

If you've never run a million dollar business, you don't know how to run it,all you need is to be committed to learning as much as you can about sales and marketing and operations if you want to have a truly success business.
Once you do that, however, the sky is the limit.